Intelligent Automation Consulting LLC was founded to help clients take full advantage of Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

We specialize in RPA Consulting while also offering RPA Contracting support including Implementation, Solution Architecture, Bot Support, and RPA Virtual Infrastructure.

We are Inspired by Innovation, Scalability, Reliability, and Curiosity.

Constantly curious and driven by the desire to always make things better through legal remedies. Therefore, we do not believe in standard solutions or skipping where the fence is lowest.

Years of Experience
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Satisfaction Guaranteed
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Successful Solutions


Luke Keenan's Automation Experience

In his first 15 months as Automation Lead at City of Seattle Information Technology Department, he created an Enterprise Grade RPA Program from the ground up. The annualized hourly capacity was 85,000+ hours featuring Automation Anywhere’s A360 Automation Platform.

He worked with multiple at the City of Seattle including Seattle City Light, Seattle Public Utilities, & the Seattle Fire Dept. to design, build, and deploy just over 60 RPA Bots into Production.

Responsibilities included RPA Program Manager and main RPA Developer for Automation Anywhere A2019.

12 years in Finance and Compliance Automation at BlackRock Financial Mgmt.


A culture based on collaboration

We work with you to build custom Automation Solutions specifically tailored to your Business.